10 Dangers they don't warn you about sub4sub and how it can affect and get your channel deleted as a small Youtuber.

There is a new and faster way that some Youtubers have come up with to get subscribers.
They call it "sub4sub" and it is very common in the YouTube community especially within us, the smaller Youtubers.

As small Youtubers, it is very easy for us to loose focus because we are excited and eager to reach the threshold for monetization hence, we can easily fall prey and be caught in the web of something I call "Bad habits of YouTube"
But we fail to realise that cutting corners and cheating the system will not make us grow as small Youtubers. Rather, it will keep us small.

The only way to grow organically and be a successful Youtuber is by taking the time to learn the YouTube system and create original and unique quality content.

So before you start your YouTube channel, you should know this.

If you're already in the YouTube game and you've already started your channel, this can help you so you don't fall prey to "sub4sub".

If you're already caught in the web of "sub4sub" hope reading this will make you see the light.


This is a term used to describe a situation where people exchange subscription.

This also applies in terms of things like "watch4watch" "like4like" and others
Sub4sub is just a term used to hide the true meaning. They present it to you on a platter of gold and you think they're doing you good or they have your best interest at heart, lol THEY LIE TO YOU.
They only tell you how fast it will grow your subscribers {which is not a lie} but they never tell you how fast it can get your channel TERMINATED or banned.


Sub4sub is against the YouTube terms and conditions and the rules and regulations of YouTube and it has been there right from the start of YouTube.

A year ago, Youtube updated their terms and conditions clearly stating that your channel will be TERMINATED if you're caught in the web of sub for sub.

So now you see how risky it is. Youtube might not have the time to start reviewing everybody's channel but there are ways it can dangerously affect your channel and you can be caught and be forced to face the consequences.


1. Your channel can be reported and flagged. 
If you're the type of person that leaves "sub4sub" comments on bigger youtubers comment section, they can decide to either delete your comment, block you from ever viewing their YouTube channel or flag your channel and REPORT your channel for spam. If you've been reported so many times by so many people, YouTube will delete your channel.

2. They will NEVER watch your videos.
Your subscribers to view rate will never be balanced. You can have over 1000 subscribers and still be getting 4 -100 views on a video because they don't care about you or the type of videos you're creating.

3. They will eventually unsubscribe.
Someone might be going through their feed and they'll see your video and be like "What is this?" or "When did I subscribe to this?" and they'll be like "oh it was 'sub4sub' and they'll quickly unsubscribe because they were never interested in the first place. 

4. You will loose subscribers. While exchanging sub4sub, If someone subscribes to your channel without turning on post notifications, commenting, liking or watching at least 1 video from your channel, Youtube might detect them as bots and remove their subscription. And you will be there crying that your channel is not doing well because people are unsubscribing and they're cheating you where as, you are the cause of your problems because you are messing with the algorithm and your analytics by participating in sub4sub in the first instance.

5. YouTube will never promote your videos or recommend them to other people.
This is because you have over 1k subscribers that don't view your videos. If you're getting an average of 0-200 views on a video with up to 1k subscribers, the YouTube algorithm will conclude that they don't watch your videos because you don't put out good content. It will assume that your videos are boring and your subscribers are not watching it because they are not interested and if your own subscribers are not interested, other people will not be interested. 

6. It also messes with your engagement rate.
Youtube will never boost a channel with no engagement rate i.e. no views, no likes, no comments. And subscribers from sub for sub don't do any of those. They are just STAGNANT SUBSCRIBERS or DEAD SUBSCRIBERS.

7. YouTube cleans their system.
Every year, YouTube does an Annual Cleanse where people loose a fair amount of inactive subscribers or suspected bots that haven't watched your videos in about 6 months or more. So if you have 1000 subscribers and 750 of them are inactive or you bought them, you will be left with only 250 subscribers after the cleanse. So is it still worth it? NO

8. Your watch time will not increase because nobody actually watches your videos. So if you eventually get 1k subs, you will have to start begging people to watch your videos or you may resort to wasting your money buying watch time that YouTube will still detect and remove from your channel which can also cause your channel to be banned.

9. You will not be monetized.
When you apply to be monetized, YouTube will take their time to review your channel and will tell if you bought your subscribers or if something doesn't add up i e. your subscriber rate doesn't match your engagement or view rate. They will detect foul play and deny your application. Your account will be banned thereafter.

10. It hinders your growth as a small Youtuber. You will waste a lot of money, time and resources investing in sub for sub and in the end, it will not pay off cause your channel will be deleted and when this happens, you can never create another channel with that account. You will have to start again from the beginning with another channel and thoughts of this might make you go into depression. Better be SAFE than SORRY.

So instead of you to be wasting your time, money or resources doing sub for sub, invest it in growing your channel organically and putting out good content that you also enjoy doing.
Consistency is the key.
I fail to understand why everyone wants to get monetized so quickly, like... no successful Youtuber made it in 1 month so calm down. 

As a small Youtuber, you should focus on growing your brand name and establishing yourself because if YouTube bans your channel and deletes it after doing all theses "Bad habits of YouTube" and wasting money, time & resources, WHAT WILL YOU GAIN?
Maybe you will gain experience.
A word is enough for the wise. Hope this helps you to see the light and clear the thoughts of 'sub4sub' because there is really no fast route to success. 

sUbScRiBe to this blog if you don't want to miss any of my post about YouTube tricks, hacks and growth tips.
